
Return life to family photographs and photographic art through treatments that will physically remove dirt, enhance the image, and stabilize the artifact itself. Couple conservation treatment with digitization and digital restoration providing a pristine copy of the image for display and sharing electronically

Conservation and Restoration Treatments for Photographs include but are not limited to:

  • Cleaning and removal of ‘silvering out’ enhancing the image

  • Reduction of discolouration and stains due to foxing, water/tidemarks, light exposure, acidic framing materials and other sources

  • Removal of old repairs

  • Repair of tears, reduction/removal of creases, and loss compensation

  • Returning suppleness and flattening through humidification or aqueous treatment

  • Chemical stabilization and neutralization of products of deterioration

  • Repair of original backing/mounting boards

  • Repair of photographic album bindings

  • Preventative care through the construction of custom enclosures or returning to original frames with acid-free materials and UV filtering glass.

Treatment Examples